Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Map Pack Coming Soon!

Friday, March 26, 2010

New Map Pack Coming Soon!

In case you guys haven’t heard the first pack for Modern Warfare 2 comes out March 30th. I’m still a little unsure about the pack, but I’ll give you guys as much info as I can and let you decide if you want it. First off, the map pack has 5 maps for 1200 Microsoft points. The maps included 2 “classic” maps from the first Modern Warfare: Crash and Overgrown. The 3 new maps are called Bailout, Storm, and Salvage. From what I know, Bailout is to be based around an apartment complex with lots of flanking positions, Storm an abandoned warehouse in a raging thunderstorm and Salvage, a snowy map placed in a derelict junkyard. Honestly, it just sounds like they are combining different aspects of maps that have already been made. None of the maps really excite me. However, I will still probably buy the pack to test it out and give you guys some feedback. Let me know what you think!


  1. The only thing that sucks is that the map packs come out on April 30th for the PS3.

  2. yeah.... :( but i get it tomorrow!

  3. lucky!!

    how r the map packs???

  4. the maps are pretty sick in my opinion. personal fav would have to be storm. And it is great to have overgrown and crash back! In addition to that, DOUBLE XP!!! :)

  5. I wanna play on bailout :D.

    And PS3 probably wont have double XP.

    And i kinda wondered why people on youtube get 2000 points per head shot. Im like huh what are they playing to get 2k points.

    Well im gonna be making Sniper montage's. So were SiicKNationz on youtube. So check out our channel end of may for montages.( we got 1 Intro up, and 1 bad graphic 3 clip montage xD) so im excited for the map packs xD

    and bbc2


