Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: December 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

TAR-21 vs SCAR-H video

Here is a great video about which assualt rifle is better, the TAR-21 or the SCAR-H.

Enjoy :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Player Tips

Well we are in holiday season this time of year and along with that come a bunch of new players to Modern Warfare 2. I will give all of those new players who seem to be having trouble getting kills some tips.

Level 1

At level 1, you start off with 5 pre set classes. Luckily, they are relatively strong. I would recommend using the Famas or the UMP. The Famas has a 3 round burst and if used with stopping power can kill in one burst. My overall favorite pre set class is the Famas. If the burst shot is not your thing then feel free to use the UMP. It's a solid, well rounded gun, and with a red dot should be pretty effective until you reach level 4 and can create your own classes

Level 4

CUSTOM CLASSES!! YAY!! Now that you have them unlocked it is important to try to level up as fast as possible. Now you may ask, well how do I level up fast? If you stick with a gun for a while you will unlock xp rewards and attachments for that gun. For example if you can manage to get 150 kills with the Famas you will receive 5000 and the ACOG scope. As you unlock attachments for guns I would recommend sticking with the grenade launcher for a while. It is a great way to get easy kills. If used correctly the grenade launcher can kill at least 2 enemies each and every life of yours.

General Tips

When just starting off in multiplayer, I would recommend playing domination. This will focus the action around 3 flags so you not have to roam around the map looking for enemies. They will most likely be around the flags. It will also help you find your way around the map easier than team deathmatch, as you will have 3 points focused on the map. Another thing to keep in my mind is the vertical aspect of this game. The maps in MW2 are much more vertical than COD4. Always be looking up and checking windows and second floors. I would try to manage to get to high ground whenever possible. Keep your eye on the radar it can be a very useful "3rd hand" like help. Take note of where shots are flying from and where your teammates are dying.

Have fun :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nuke Setup #3

Recently I have been trying out a few killstreak reward combinations that aren't used very often, to get the nuke.  I have found one in particular that seems to work pretty well.  It is Pave Love ( 9 kills ), Chopper Gunner ( 11 kills), Tactical Nuke ( 25 kills).  Although getting 9 kills for some people without aid of a predator and so on, if you can manage to get 9 kills you will pretty much get 25 kills or somewhere very close.  If you have a Pave Low firing away at people while you are getting some spawn camp kills with the Chopper Gunner you have a great chance of getting a nuke.  This being said, getting the Nuke is no easy task.  So try it out for yourself and see what works for you.

Have fun! :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Gone For Good

The Rust glitch is confirmed to be gone. There was an update that patched the server glitch. For all of you people who liked this glitch, I'm sorry. For the people who didn't like it congratulations! :)


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!! Enjoy playing Modern Warfare 2! :)
 Have fun!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rust Patch Confirmed

I am 99% sure that the rust private server glitch has been fixed.  Now for all of you people who were playing the game the wrong way, have fun playing the game the way it is supposed to be played.   But for all of the people who want to play the right way, then go have fun!

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Possible Rust Glitch Patch?

From the looks of it the Rust glitch that has been way over used is gone.  I'm not positive on this though.  Although, there was an xbox live update today and since then I have not played any Rust matches so in my opinion the Rust glitch is either gone or at least limited.  Just thought I would inform you guys on this.


Nuke Setup #2

For those of you who are having a little bit of trouble reaching the tactical nuke here is one of a few setups that I like to use. Sentry Gun (5 kills), AC-130 (11 kills), Tactical Nuke (25 kills). I find this setup to work pretty well. When you get your sentry gun place it as high as you can and in a good place to kill passing enemies. Sentry guns are better than predator missiles because with a sentry gun you get more kills and can also get kills by yourself while your sentry gun is racking up the kills. When you reach the AC-130 blast away the enemy and get as close to 25 kills as possible. Then, play as conservatively as possible, do not die, reach 25 kills, and nuke your enemy.

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Multiplayer Tips

Here are just a few tips that for playing Multiplayer on Modern Warfare 2.
  1. Try sticking to one weapon for while.  You will get used to it and become better.
  2. Take your time when moving.  Do not just run around.
  3. Reload as often as possible.  It always stinks to have a guy halfway dead then have to reload and get killed.  So just reload often.
  4. Make sure you keep an eye on the radar.  Take note of where the shots are coming from.
  5. Stay in cover as much as possible and play smart.
Enjoy! :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chopper Gunner VS AC-130

Which is better?  Some may say the Chopper Gunner, others might say the AC-130.  Well I am here to give you the pros and cons of each killstreak reward.

Chopper Gunner
  • Better in wide open maps
  • Easier to kill people (especially if spawn camping)
  • Tend to stick around a bit longer than AC-130
  • Easier to shoot down with launchers
  • Hold the right trigger and you are in business
  • Do not have to fumble through 4 different gun types
  • Quicker kills
  • Better in city maps
  • Bigger splash damage (the area that gets hit by the missile is larger, more likely to kill people you don't physically hit)
  • Makes the other team run for the hills
  • Much harder to shoot down
  • Doesn't stay as long as Chopper Gunner
  • Reload times and switching weapons can be difficult
  • More epic
There you have it, a few pros and cons about each.  Now you pick the winner!  Personally, I prefer the Ac-130 just because of the way everybody freaks out when you call it in, and in my opinion it is more fun to use.  So you pick which one you like better and go blast the enemy away!

Enjoy :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Patch

I am reading more and more stuff hinting towards a Model 1887 patch! Hopefully this will happen soon!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Throwing Knife Tips

My main tip is to use a riot shield and stun grenades when trying to get lots of throwing knife kills.  Weild the riot shield and when you find an enemy, throw a stun grenade at them, aim and fire.  That is really all there is to it.  It might take you a few games to get your aim down but after that it is really easy to get those throwing knife kills.


Friday, December 18, 2009

No Scope Montage

Check out this no scope montage that i found on youtube.  Pretty amazing.  Note this not me playing just a video I found on youtube.

Enjoy :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Prestige Challenges

For those of you who have not pretiged yet I am here to tell you that you do recieve a whole new set of challenges.  You get gun challenges that are called veteran and you also recieve a new category of normal challenges to go along with categories such as operations and precision.  The new veteran gun challenges that you recieve DO NOT reset once you prestige again.  I repeat, the new veteran gun challenges that you recieve DO NOT reset once you prestige again :) So have fun with your new challenges and enjoy Modern Warfare 2!



Infinity Ward is working on a patch to take away the Rust glitches such as unlimited ammo and endless games of domination.  Hopefully it will come out soon becuase you can not find many normal matches anymore.  I also heard that there is a possibility that the patch could also take the power and range out of the 1887's.  Not quite sure whether this is true, although I'm about 80% sure it will be happening.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rust Glitch Tips

I’m sure that by now everybody has played on rust where somebody has used the endless domination game, the team deathmatch game where you can kill your own players, or maybe the infinite ammo glitch. I will give you a few tips on how to not get completely destroyed if you get one of these games. For the domination glitch I would advise climbing up the ladder in the middle of the map and camping from the top. Use claymores to help watch your back. I would also recommend using a strong assault rifle such as the ACR or the M4 Carbine. Now for the team deathmatch that is basically like a free-for-all I would recommend either doing the same thing as for domination or hide in the pipe in the northeast corner of the map. Lie down in there and camp anybody who spawns right in front of you. With the infinite ammo glitch, just pull out your grenade launcher and fire away. I find it to not be very effective but you don't have much of a choice. But I would try to climb up the ladder no matter what glitch is happening.

Have fun :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fix The Glitches

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 should be shut down for a week so that Infinity Ward can somehow fix all of the problems with glitches in this game.  It is getting ridiculous to play now.  But as for now, we will all just have to find a way to deal with the glitchers.  Have fun!


In Game Glitch

I'm not sure how many people have seen the glitch where you can play an endless game of domination on any map with any settings you want. I'm not sure exactly how to do it but it has to do with joining matches with your friends and it also involves party chats. If you want to learn how to do it look it up on YouTube, there are many videos. I am not promoting this glitch just letting everybody know it is out there. Enjoy playing Modern Warfare 2!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Javelin Patch Looks Good

Well the long awaited javelin patch has not failed yet.  Everything seems to be working great and they are no more stupid javelin glitchers.  Just a quick thanks to Infinity Ward for fixing it. 


Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Killstreak Rewards Setup

Recently, I have been finding a lot of success by using the harrier strike, emergency airdrop, and chopper gunner. Also, I have been using the hardline perk to make it only 6 kills for a harrier. So if you can manage to get 6 kills which is not very hard, you basically already have an emergency airdrop. With the hardline perk emergency airdrops are only 7 kills which is one kill after a harrier. So either pick of one more enemy with yourself or wait for your harrier to do the work. If you can get luck with your harrier you can get up to 10 kills which will give you a chopper gunner. If you have not called in your airdrop yet than call in the chopper gunner and rack up kills with that first. Then throw down the drop zone flair for your emergency airdrop. Hopefully you can at least get a harrier, pave low, or maybe even a chopper gunner or ac-130 with one your airdrop. Then go have fun with all four of your airdrop crate rewards and kill away. Try this out for yourself and see if it works for you.

Enjoy playing Modern Warfare 2! :-)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Xbox Live Account

For everybody who is reading my blog and it liking what they are reading you can add me on xbox live! gamertag is: Killer P3nguinz

 add me if you like my blog! i would love to here from you!

Javelin Glitch Patch

Finally, Inifinity Ward has patched the notorious javelin glitch.  No more worries about some stupid people running around with a javelin waiting to die so they can blow you up with their javelin.  The game can finally be played right.  Thanks to Infinity Ward for a making Modern Warfare 2 a better game to play.


Capture The Flag

Lately I have been playing a lot of Capture the Flag games and decided to share some tips that I have with you. These tips are for runners who like to pick up the enemy flag, not just camp. Well first of all use the marathon and lightweight perks, as well as the commando perk. The two running perks are great for sprinting to the enemy flag and bringing it back to your flag. The commando perk is also a good thing to have because if somebody gets to close to you can just knife them while running instead of having to stop. In addition to that, if you can get the commando pro perk then you will not receive any falling damage. Meaning, you can jump off of second story windows and such while having the flag.

Have fun capturing the flag using these great tips!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jump Tricks Video

Here is a video of some secret little spots on Modern Warfare 2.  This is part on of two parts. Check it out!


Domination Tips

Well first of all, if you are playing domination, you are there to play the game! Not just camp! If you want to camp just play team deathmatch or something else but domination is supposed to be a game where you try to capture the flags and gain points, not get kills!

Some perks that I have found to be great for domination are marathon, lightweight, and commando, run from flag to flag as fast as you can and capture as many as you can. You can get a great amount of points that way as well! Although people say capturing all three flags is a bad thing, I say do it! It makes the game more exciting if you are always switching spawns and running all over the place getting flags. Use the marathon and lightweight perks to run from A to C and vice versa. Let the rest of your team worry about B. If you can get to the side of the map and make it around to opposite flag and capture it, it will catch the opponents offhand and they will not know what to do! So try this idea out the next time you play domination. Trust me it works very well!!

Have fun :-)


For all of you achievement addicts out there, here is a link to great website telling you how to get each and every single achievement in MW2.

Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Akimbo Shotgun Tips

The main thing is to make sure that you don't shoot both guns at once. That would pretty much just be a waste of the whole akimbo thing. Either alternate your shots from left side to right side, or shoot all of the ammo in the right shotgun and then shoot all of the ammo in the left shotgun whilst reloading the right. Then just repeat the cycle. I find the second way to be more useful as for you are never out of bullets for both shotguns.

Another tip is to use the marathon and lightweight perks. Shotguns are very short range guns. Therefore you need to be close to the enemy you are firing at. The marathon perk will allow you to run forever meaning you can run around the map the whole time and pick of people with your akimbo shotguns as you approach them. Also, the lightweight perk will allow you to run faster. That helps when you are running up to the enemies. You will reach them faster, meaning they have less time to see you and shoot at you. When used properly akimbo shotguns can get you a ton of kills and lots of challenges for the guns!

Enjoy! :-)

Prestige Symobls

Here is a picture of all 10 prestige symbols in Modern Warfare 2.  Have fun trying to get to the highly coveted 10th prestige and get that awesome symbol!


Riot Shield Tips

The riot shield is a great new "weapon" that can be used in Modern Warfare 2.  Although you are not shooting with it, it is still an amazing way to rack up those experience points.  The main thing to do is to make sure you have a team mate who is close behind you so an enemy doesn't sneak up behind and you and kill you.  If you are playing a game like search and destroy and the bomb is currently planted, find a narrow doorway that you can block that is close to the bomb.  Not only will this make players waste time trying to find a way to kill you it will also force some players to go around to different way in.

The riot shield is a great new "weapon" in Modern Warfare 2! :) 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sniping Tips

Well my main tip for sniping is to use the thermal scope.  I can't snipe without it.  The camouflage on the people is too well blent in with the map to not use the thermal.  Another tip I have is to make sure you know a few great spots to snipe and can get to them easily.  Because if you spend half of the game just trying to get to your "super amazing" spot and already have ten deaths and zero kills your work will be pretty much useless.  So, us the thermal scope and have good spots with lots of opportunities for kills and you will be a sniper pro.

Communication Is Key

Whether you are trying to defuse a bomb that was planted in search and destroy, trying to capture B in a close game of domination, or get the final kill in a very close team deathmatch game, you need to communicate.  Teamwork is a key in this game.  Due to the high amount of campers the only way to take them down is to travel as a team.  If you try to take on the campers and other team yourself, you will fail.  Trust me I have tried that MANY times and always end up with a very negative K/D ratio.  After a few experiments with using teamwork to play, in my opinion that is a lot easier.

So, communicate wiht your team and have fun beating the other team!


Nuke Setup

This is the best setup that I have found to be useful for getting a Tactical Nuke.  Use the Harrier Strike, Chopper Gunner, and Nuke.  This works very well because once you get the Harrier you have about a 50% chance of getting the kills needed for a Chopper Gunner.  Then, destroy the other team witha Chopper Gunner and get up to around 20 kills or if you are 25.  If you can't reach 25 have no fear just get a few more kills on the ground and nuke away! :)

New Maps?

I am hearing some leaked information that perhaps there are new maps coming out soon.  Whether this is true or not im not sure.  I also heard that Infinity Ward might be putting some Call of Duty 4 maps as DLC.  I hope that they do because personally I liked the old maps on Modern Warfare better than MW2.  We will have to see what happens.

Javelin Glitch Patch

I don't know if you heard the news but the javelin glitch patch is almost comeplete.  That means the game can go back to being played how it is supposed to be played.  I am very happy about this becuase I was ready to quit Modern Warfare 2 until this was fixed.  It was just getting way out of hand.  But finally the patch is almost done and should get certified pretty soon.  Just a little heads up! :-)

Greatest Knife Throw Kill Ever!!

This has got to be the greatest kill ever.  I am speechless as to the luck involved to doing this.  Absolutely amazing.

For any new viewers

If any new viewers are reading my blog, I would recommend bookmarking it due to the fact the this website does not pop up when you type it in google search.  So just a quick recommendation. :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009


Infinity Ward really needs to fix the glitch!  It is really starting to get on my last nerve.  Something really needs to be done.

Javelin Glitch

I'm sure that by now everybody has seen someone use the javelin glitch.  Where you have the javelin out, switch to a semtex, then switch back to the javelin while holding down RB the whole time.  Then, when you die the javelin blows up and kills anybody who is close to you.  Although I would agree that it is a very fun glitch to do, yes i tried it myself a few times, please just don't do it.  It makes the game no fun for the other players and just gets everybody mad.  Or worse, you could potentially get your account banned from Xbox Live.  I'm not sure if Inifnity Ward is banning accounts for using the glitch but it's better to be safe than sorry.  Play the game the way it is supposed to be play.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Modern Warfare 2

If you have not picked up you copy od Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 yet make sure that you do!  It is one the best games, if not the best, game of this year and probably will be for a long time!  Make sure you grab your copy today!


I have finished the single player campaign and I was really impressed.  It was by far one of the best single player campaigns for a first person shooting game I have ever played.  Also, I felt like Infinity Ward left room for a Modern Warfare 3.  I was very happy to see that!  Although I was a little sad that I finished it.  The only problem that I could think of in the whole game was the fact that it only took me about 5-6 hours to complete.  A little disappointed about that, but it definitely did not take away from the greatness that had happened.  Such a great campaign!


Sorry that I have not posted anything new in a while! I just have not gotten around to it.  I will be sure to start posting more.  Also, I had to re-post the poll due to my spelling errors.  Sorry about that! Please take the poll again if you can! Thank you!  Please tell any of your friends who play Modern Warfare 2 about my blog too! Thanks