Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Domination Tips

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Domination Tips

Well first of all, if you are playing domination, you are there to play the game! Not just camp! If you want to camp just play team deathmatch or something else but domination is supposed to be a game where you try to capture the flags and gain points, not get kills!

Some perks that I have found to be great for domination are marathon, lightweight, and commando, run from flag to flag as fast as you can and capture as many as you can. You can get a great amount of points that way as well! Although people say capturing all three flags is a bad thing, I say do it! It makes the game more exciting if you are always switching spawns and running all over the place getting flags. Use the marathon and lightweight perks to run from A to C and vice versa. Let the rest of your team worry about B. If you can get to the side of the map and make it around to opposite flag and capture it, it will catch the opponents offhand and they will not know what to do! So try this idea out the next time you play domination. Trust me it works very well!!

Have fun :-)

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