Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Sniping Tips

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sniping Tips

Well my main tip for sniping is to use the thermal scope.  I can't snipe without it.  The camouflage on the people is too well blent in with the map to not use the thermal.  Another tip I have is to make sure you know a few great spots to snipe and can get to them easily.  Because if you spend half of the game just trying to get to your "super amazing" spot and already have ten deaths and zero kills your work will be pretty much useless.  So, us the thermal scope and have good spots with lots of opportunities for kills and you will be a sniper pro.


  1. Thanks for this!

    Could you post a tip about how to actually hit your target? I seem to miss when trying to hit a moving target, Any tips?

  2. No problem! Yes I will try to do a post for you as soon as possible!
