Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: DLC maps

Monday, January 25, 2010

DLC maps

There is going to be some new DLC maps for Modern Warfare 2 avaliable in spring of this year.  From what I have read the maps will be DLC exclusively for Xbox 360.  Some of the maps are said to be maps from previous Call of Duty games, most likely Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.  Look for these maps in the future.  Post your favorite map from Call of Duty 4 that you would like to be broguht into Modern Warfare 2 in the comments. 

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  1. I want to see Shipment in the DLC. I think it would be interesting to see how some players will go about using their "amazing" camping strategy that is IMPOSSIBLE on Shipment. Also, it's tons of kills and points!

    P.S. You spelled brought wrong (broguht)

  2. good point there chris! That is also the map that i would like to see as well. Thanks for pointing the spelling error btw :)

  3. I think shipment would be horrible. It would be just like the rust map. Once someone got a chopper gunner its over. Its smaller so if someone gets an AC 130 ... it would be pretty crazy imo.

  4. Yeah it would be crazy. I see ur point. Thanks for your opinion there.

  5. You make a valid point, but, like in CoD 4, it would be only playable in game modes such as domination where kills don't matter.

  6. But what he was trying to say was that if you get an ac130 you will get like 100 kills with it since the map is so small.

  7. I read that PS3 will also be getting a map pack sometime this spring also.

  8. New topic (maybe). Debating on whether or not I should prestige to my 3rd, or should I just stay at 70 and try to get all my weapon challenges done. Or should I just try to get to 10th asap and then worry about getting all the challenges done?

    Whats your opinions?

  9. oh really? cool! I have not seen that yet. thanks for commenting

  10. well i am trying to get 10th as fast as i can then worry about the challenges later. In my opinion you should do the same becuase you cant even get all of the titles without being 10th prestige and that is one of my goals. But if you do not want to make that long journey up to 10th prestige make sure that you stay at the prestige with your favorite symbol. my personal favorite is 5th prestige.

  11. they should get crash back or crossfire.

    and im prestigfe 7 lvl 70 dont feel like prestiging anymore. I got Fall on my Intervention(for the 8th time) fall on my ak. Both with extenden mags and up to blue tiger on all other guns so idk xD.

  12. Prestige 8 lvl 39

  13. Prestige 9 lvl 23 :) yes i level up fast by playing s&d
