Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Guest Post

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Guest Post

If any of my viewers would like to write a guest post about Modern Warfare 2 for my blog, I would be more than happy to let you.  Just leave a comment here and let me know and we can discuss it. 

Thanks :)


  1. I think something about equipment should be included. Because, even though they seem unimportant, a grenade can be critical to a team's victory in a domination or demolition game. Possibly a comparison of the "best"?

  2. good point there chris! thanks!

  3. You should make a list of guns ( like i did on my blog) where u list all stats of the guns.

    ex. ACR- good assault rifle. good for medium to long ranges etc.

    something like this??

  4. List ur gamer stats. Like accuracy, kills, wins etc.

    Ur level and stuff like that. So will have updated information about ur gaming.

    Oh yeah and im level. 54 prestige 4. Im prestiging tomorrow :D

  5. Hay Guys,

    just wanted to clear up some confusion about boosting and what it means and ways of doing it, so I googled around and came across a very handy website!

    It explains different ways of boosting what it means and as far as record says you can’t get banned for it!

    So yeah check it out

    Hope it helps!

  6. best way to play is to be a hunter - use silenced m21 ebr with heartbeat on hardcore mode, then get the jump on people by following them and silently and safely taking them out. foolproof. my kills are usually about 20 - 25 with 3-4 deaths. TheJazzman 125 is my gamertag. not sure on where the spaces are

  7. yeah doing that type of gameplay always seems to work. thanks for commenting btw :) perhaps consinder following my blog?

  8. Mark if u wanna post my videos that im gonna put on my blog next week just post on my blog whih ones u want. see ya

  9. can u sort of advertise my blog on here??( if u want to) heres the link again ty :)

  10. sure thing, i put your link right up at the top. If you could do the same, that would be helpful. Thanks :)
