Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: August 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Top 5 Favorite Guns

In this post I will be counting down my top 5 favorite guns in Modern Warfare!

5. )  ACR - This gun is a great mid-to-long range weapon of choice.  I used just this gun for at least 2 whole prestige's!  It used to be my favorite gun for such a long time but I have not used it very much lately.  But it still deserves a spot in my top 5.

4. )  Famas - The Famas is a 3-shot burst assault rifle.  Great for long range shots.  One thing that is needed to be good with this gun is terrific accuracy.  You can shoot one 3 shot burst into an enemy and get the kill!  That is all it takes! I love the power and accuracy of this gun.

3. )  Tar-21 - The Tar-21 is a relatively new gun that I like the use!  This gun is so powerful it can kill with just 2 bullets if using FMJ.  I use the Tar-21 a lot in Search and Destroy matches because it is so powerful and accurate even with a silencer.  This gun also looks sick with fall cameo on it, even though I don't have it.  Although this gun isn't my top favorite I certainly love using the Tar-21.

2. )  Intervention - The Intervention is the best sniper rifle in the game!  And I absolutely love this gun!  Quick scoping with the Intervention gives me such a great feeling.  If you ever get a nice quick scope shot with the Intervention if you know how great it feels.  If you think you can beat me in 1v1, just leave a comment and challenge me!

1. )  UMP-45 -  The Ump  is by the far the best gun in the game!  Put a silencer on it and use the marathon perk and you are now a killing machine.  Use it in Search, Domination, Demolition, Team Death, Free-For-All, use it in any game mode and I promise you, you WILL GET KILLS!!!  It is by far my favorite gun in the game.  Even though you can't really see the cameos on it, it is still a sick gun.  The power on that gun is astonishing.  If you want to get loads and loads of kills, us the UMP.            

Enjoy :)