Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Favorite Gun

Monday, November 16, 2009

Favorite Gun

Well i have been playing Modern Warfare 2 for a few days now and my favorite weapon has to be the M4.  It is the best overall gun in the game in my opinion.  It is accurate and can shoot long range but can still be used as a good gun to rush with.  I just love the M4.  In a clsoe second though is the M16.  It is better long distance than the M4 but is not as great of a rushing gun so there as the M4 is a better gun in my opinion because I prefer to rush than camp.  What is your favorite gun?


  1. Wow! I don't really like that gun!

  2. the acr is kinda sexy..
    though ive had some fun with the scar-h and the m16. i like the 3 round burst guns for beefing up my accuracy tho.

  3. my favorite is by far the acr. thanks for the comment
