Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Care Package Glitch Patched

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Care Package Glitch Patched

As of right now the infinite care package glitch has been patched.  Sorry to all of you infinite care packagers out there.  You will just have to try to figure out a new way to do it. 



  1. yes i have, bu how do i havent figured out how it is done?

  2. I do not know what you were talking about, but I was talking about Global Thermonuclear War. I have seen someone on my friend's list actually play it.

  3. thats what i was talking about. i dont know how you download it to ur xbox

  4. Do u think it will come out for the PS3 when the people from Xbox download it.

    If u guys wanna try to find out how to get it. Go on youtube and type in Global Thermonuclear war download or something around that

  5. yes i have a feeling the ps3 will be getting it as well

  6. PS3 is getting it April 30. A month after xbox. (they bought the exclusive)
