Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Akimbo Shotgun Tips

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Akimbo Shotgun Tips

The main thing is to make sure that you don't shoot both guns at once. That would pretty much just be a waste of the whole akimbo thing. Either alternate your shots from left side to right side, or shoot all of the ammo in the right shotgun and then shoot all of the ammo in the left shotgun whilst reloading the right. Then just repeat the cycle. I find the second way to be more useful as for you are never out of bullets for both shotguns.

Another tip is to use the marathon and lightweight perks. Shotguns are very short range guns. Therefore you need to be close to the enemy you are firing at. The marathon perk will allow you to run forever meaning you can run around the map the whole time and pick of people with your akimbo shotguns as you approach them. Also, the lightweight perk will allow you to run faster. That helps when you are running up to the enemies. You will reach them faster, meaning they have less time to see you and shoot at you. When used properly akimbo shotguns can get you a ton of kills and lots of challenges for the guns!

Enjoy! :-)

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