Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Player Tips

Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Player Tips

Well we are in holiday season this time of year and along with that come a bunch of new players to Modern Warfare 2. I will give all of those new players who seem to be having trouble getting kills some tips.

Level 1

At level 1, you start off with 5 pre set classes. Luckily, they are relatively strong. I would recommend using the Famas or the UMP. The Famas has a 3 round burst and if used with stopping power can kill in one burst. My overall favorite pre set class is the Famas. If the burst shot is not your thing then feel free to use the UMP. It's a solid, well rounded gun, and with a red dot should be pretty effective until you reach level 4 and can create your own classes

Level 4

CUSTOM CLASSES!! YAY!! Now that you have them unlocked it is important to try to level up as fast as possible. Now you may ask, well how do I level up fast? If you stick with a gun for a while you will unlock xp rewards and attachments for that gun. For example if you can manage to get 150 kills with the Famas you will receive 5000 and the ACOG scope. As you unlock attachments for guns I would recommend sticking with the grenade launcher for a while. It is a great way to get easy kills. If used correctly the grenade launcher can kill at least 2 enemies each and every life of yours.

General Tips

When just starting off in multiplayer, I would recommend playing domination. This will focus the action around 3 flags so you not have to roam around the map looking for enemies. They will most likely be around the flags. It will also help you find your way around the map easier than team deathmatch, as you will have 3 points focused on the map. Another thing to keep in my mind is the vertical aspect of this game. The maps in MW2 are much more vertical than COD4. Always be looking up and checking windows and second floors. I would try to manage to get to high ground whenever possible. Keep your eye on the radar it can be a very useful "3rd hand" like help. Take note of where shots are flying from and where your teammates are dying.

Have fun :)

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