Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Rust Glitch Tips

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rust Glitch Tips

I’m sure that by now everybody has played on rust where somebody has used the endless domination game, the team deathmatch game where you can kill your own players, or maybe the infinite ammo glitch. I will give you a few tips on how to not get completely destroyed if you get one of these games. For the domination glitch I would advise climbing up the ladder in the middle of the map and camping from the top. Use claymores to help watch your back. I would also recommend using a strong assault rifle such as the ACR or the M4 Carbine. Now for the team deathmatch that is basically like a free-for-all I would recommend either doing the same thing as for domination or hide in the pipe in the northeast corner of the map. Lie down in there and camp anybody who spawns right in front of you. With the infinite ammo glitch, just pull out your grenade launcher and fire away. I find it to not be very effective but you don't have much of a choice. But I would try to climb up the ladder no matter what glitch is happening.

Have fun :)

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