Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Attack Helicopter VS Harrier Strike

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Attack Helicopter VS Harrier Strike

Which killstreak reward is better?  That is the question at hand.  Most people tend to prefer the Harrier as oppose to Attack Heli, but I am here to give you the pros and cons of each.  You be the judge!

Attack Helicopter
  • Poor movement patterns
  • Averages 1-3 kills if you are lucky
  • No airstrike before the gunner
  • Harder to shoot down due to the way it moves around a lot
  • Gunner is not very accurate or deadly
Harrier Strike
  • Airstrike before the gunner
  • Averages 2-5 kills
  • Shoots down other killstreak rewards
  • Rotates in place for 360 degrees of killing :)
  • Very accurate gunner
  • You pick where to place it
You decide which is better.  Most people pick Harrier Strike but you can use whatever you like.  This post was suggested by Thug_4_Go.  Thanks!

Enjoy :)


  1. In pave low vs harrier you say 3-7 kills. But in this you say 2-5. Which is it?

  2. thx mark. lol for taking meh advice u should do predator vs sentry gun

  3. no problem! i will do that one as soon as i can.

