Blog Directory Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Best SMG Gun

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Best SMG Gun

Is it the UMP?  How about the P90?  Or maybe even the Vector?  What is your opinion on the Sub Machine Guns?

Here is a list of different attributes of each gun.  Listed from best to worst (highest to lowest).

Highest Accuracy - UMP and Vector (tied), P90 and Mini-Uzi (tied), MP5K
Most Damage - UMP, MP5K, P90 and Mini-Uzi (tied), Vector
Range - All the same
Fire Rate - Vector, P90, Mini-Uzi, MP5K, UMP
Mobility - All the same
Mag Size - P90 (50 rounds), Mini-Uzi and UMP (tied at 32 rounds), MP5k and Vector (tied at 30 rounds)

Personally, I think that the UMP is the best Sub Machine Gun.  Post your favorite SMG in the comments.\ below.

Enjoy :)


  1. My list is from best to worst:

    3/4.P90 ] P90 and MP5K are equal to me

  2. Really? I hate the Uzi. My fav is the ump then P90 then vector, then mp5k and uzi are tied for last.

  3. i personally dont like the vector as much. cuz it sucks? but UMP best gun :)
